A call for Global Allyship by Indigenous Women:
This gathering will take place within the frame of the International Day of Indigenous Women, a commemoration instituted in 1983 during the Second Meeting of Organizations and Movements of America, to focus attention on Indigenous women, our history, struggles and dreams.
We’ve generated this space with the intention of placing our voices at the center of the narrative in times of pandemic and climate crisis. On our website https://curadaterra.org you can find more information on the activities.
Some of the guests that will join us in the gathering are: Sonia Guajajara (Guajajara, Brasil), Nuria Gollo (Wayyu, Kenya), Adriana Guzman (Aymara, Bolivia), Yolene Koteureu (New Caledonia), Eva Fjellheim (Sami, Norway), María Choc (Q’eqchi, Guatemala), Aida Quilcué (Nasa, Colombia), Rufina Villa Hernández (Maseual, México), Patricia Gualinga (Sarayaku, Ecuador).
The CURA DA TERRA gathering will have a duration of 3 hours, and will begin at:
10AM LA - 11AM Guatemala - 12PM Bogotá/Lima/México México -
1PM La Paz/Caracas/Santiago/New York - 2PM Brasilia/Buenos Aires -
6PM London - 3AM (+1) Sydney
Live Stream at: facebook.com/planetaella
After the gathering we will share a live concert “Cura Da Terra”- a healing ritual led by women artists and healers, including:
Celia Xakriaba (Xakriaba, Brasil), Carmen Álvarez (Kiche’, Guatemala), Mariana Carrizo (Salta, Argentina), Cressida Kuala (Ipili, New Guinea), Luzmila Carpio (Qala Qala, Bolivia), Princess Lucaj (Neet'saii Gwich'in, Alaska), Mariela Tax (K’iche, Guatemala), Hildá Länsman (Sami, Norway)
The ritual concert of healing will start at:
3pm LA - 4pm Guatemala - 5pm Bogotá/ Lima/ México -
- 6pm La Paz/Caracas/Santiago/New York - 7pm Brasilia/Buenos Aires
11PM London - 8AM (+1) Sydney
Live Stream through: instagram.com/planetaella
Invite and more information at: curadaterra.org (español) curadaterra.org/pt (portugués) y curadaterra.org/en (inglés)
Dissemination materials: images, video and more information
Contact: inscripciones@curadaterra.org
Phone / whatsapp: +502 54115278